
Steve's Weblog

Gaertk@aol.com Gaertk
Thu Sep 1 16:38:49 PDT 2005

"Grady Brandt" <aruspex.delve at verizon.net> writes:

> Corwin Brust <corwin at mpls.cx> wrote:
>> Since the main weblog script was something I hacked together 
>> several years ago as a stop-gap, and never got around to 
>> rebuilding (a calendar view, and other things are notably 
>> missing) now would be a good time to mention other features 
>> you'd like to see make it into the new version.

Display a limited number of entries at a time.  I remember being 
annoyed at waiting to load every entry he ever wrote before seeing
the new ones.

> Or perhaps have weblog entries automatically syndicated to the 
> mail list. Really, the two are sort of tied together. An entry in 
> the weblog tends to excite comment on the mail list, so it makes
> sense to me anyway.

Yes!  And it should be real easy to script too.

Konrad Gaertner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - email: gaertk at aol.com
"I don't mind hidden depths but I insist that there be a surface."
                          -- James Nicoll