Today's cooking extract is from the Canal Inn in Adrilankha: "By the time Khaavren had finished his second glass, he was ready to order a lunch, which he did, partaking of a bowl of the inn's lamb stew accompanied by thick-crusted bread and a glass of wine. He ate his lunch slowly, not so much in order to savor it (although, in fact, it was a most respectable stew, as such stews go) as to make the time pass." Sethra Lavode, paperback, Chapter the Seventy-Fifth, page 86. A meal with road agents: "Lar took a heavy cook-pot and, with Clari's help, began dishing out a sort of stew made of norska, tubers, and onions, along with various seasonings. Lar having added a certain quantity of water to the stew, as well as a few extra tubers, there was plenty for all." Sethra Lavode, paperback, Chapter the Seventy-Seventh, page 106. A breakfast at Castle Black: "Morrolan took himself into the small dining room, where he was given a breakfast of sausage, klava, redberries in heavy cream, melon, and pastry stuffed with beef and mushrooms. Sethra Lavode, paperback, Chapter the Ninety-Ninth, page 322. Huckleberries: "So, as the huckleberries are in season, as it were" Sethra Lavode, paperback, Afterword, page 365 by Ivan Sekely, Witch-Antiquary of the North, copyright John M. Ford. Dinner with Paarfi of Roundwood: "We discussed this over our dinner (a quiet affair of some few courses--fried pork and cabbage rolls, a fish stew, a small duck, cold soup of wild cherries; the rest escape my recall)" Sethra Lavode, paperback, Afterword, page 369 by Ivan Sekely, Witch-Antiquary of the North, copyright John M. Ford.