
International Burst Fan Summit stuff

starshadw@aol.com starshadw
Mon Oct 3 11:25:19 PDT 2005

The summit will be at OPUS Fest 2006:
-----Original Message-----
From: mtiller at ntlworld.com
To: Rion Bergquist <carpovita at earthlink.net>; dragaera at dragaera.info
Sent: Mon, 3 Oct 2005 15:49:14 +0000
Subject: Re: International Burst Fan Summit stuff

From: "Rion Bergquist" <carpovita at earthlink.net>
Date: 2005/10/03 Mon PM 03:01:12 GMT
To: <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Subject: International Burst Fan Summit stuff

>As some of you know there is an impending Brust fan summit >(May 2006).

I was not aware of this, would it be possible to have details please?


Mark Tiller

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