Orson Scott Card's online e-zine, the InterGalactic Medicine Show, has gone live as of October 15th: I popped over, created a login, and discovered that a) they pay pretty well for stories, art, and so on, and b) that means that they charge cash money for the pleasure of reading their publication. Fine. It was a painless $2.50 via PayPal, and I had access to the whole enchilada in no time. The format could use some work. Basically, each story is one long HTML page. While each story has some stellar artwork, the continual page-down, page-down, page-down of it prompts one to wonder if they've never heard of the WordPress concept of breaking up stories into logical pages. Deep Magic's approach is superior in this respect, but hey, DM's been doing it longer: Read the rest of my first-blush observations at DKA magazine: -- johne cook - wisconsin, usa | | | |