
Joss Whedon knows "Who?"

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Tue Oct 25 18:46:32 PDT 2005

In response to what I wrote:
> On October 24 Joss Whedon wrote on his website  
> http://whedonesque.com/  :

bryann at bryann.net wrote on 10/25/2005 12:54:00 AM 

>Not to put a damper on it or anything, but the article appears to have been
>written by a fan, not Whedon himself.  It is attributed to someone who goes
>by the nickname "dottikin" (though I suppose this could be Whedon--the other
>articles written by "dottikin" do not suggest this is the case).

>Still, a meeting of fans can't hurt.

Sorry,  I was fooled by the "Joss Whedon weblog" at the top and did not read 
the About.  

So, I guess Joss may still not know "Who?" Steven Brust is.  Hopefully, Steve 
Brust Firefly/Serenity novel will get published and then Joss will then know 


Linda G.