dovekie wrote: >Hello, > >I'm new to the list, so I don't know if this has been covered before, but... > >Does anyone have a good recipe for klava? > We had a discussion about this a few months ago (and again before that), but I believe the most recent one was swallowed up by the gods of data loss when the server when down. From my archive, I have the following: > Scott Crain wrote: > > To quote Vlad in Issola: > "You press coffee through a filter made of eggshells and wood chips > with vanillla bean, then reheat it so it almost boils, then you pass > it through a cloth to remove any oils brought out by the reheating. > [...] Hickory works well, also fegra, cherrywood, and crocra. It's the > wood, or combination of woods, that make each version unique. Well, > and how much vanilla you use. Also, some people add cinnamon, but I > don't; cinnamon is just as good if you add it later." > > Voila! Klava! Well, maybe not directions you would care to try right > now, but I'm sure someone will be curious enough to try. So you have a starting point. Then, from people who actually tried this, as compiled by Linda G. (frieda2133 at >Hi, > >Someone who says he made klava (March 2003) : > > > >Steve's reaction to the idea that someone actually might have tried his recipe >for klava: > > > >Mark A. Mandel's warning about toxic wood: > > > >Heh, this may be a bad sign, the person who says he made klava in 2003 is >no longer on the mailing list. > >Bye. > >Linda G. > I assume others with more knowledge here can expand on this; I don't actually drink coffee, so there's not much I can contribute to the discussion/recipe... Jose -- Jose Marquez | There are 10 types of people in jhereg69 at | the world: those who understand | binary, and those who don't.