> >"The Point" I think is one of honor and respect for a fallen comrade. > > I'm not sure why it is "respectful" to do what we do with corpses. I > suspect a lot of it is left-over from old religions where the body was > necessary. On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 11:24:24AM -0800, Jon_Lincicum at stream.com wrote: > This conversation seems very similar to one Vlad had with Virt e'Terics at > the end of Dragon... > > <Dragon> > Virt: "And I've heard about Napper. We're going to have services for him > this evening. Aelburr and I would like you to help us annoint him." > Vlad: "What's the point? There's nothing left for Deathgate." > Virt: "I think you know what the point is." > </Dragon> > > Seems pretty clear, to me. > > Majikjon Exactly. Funerals of any kind are for the people left behind, not for the dead. Kat