
Soul destroying - Issola Spoiler

Maximilian Wilson wilson.max at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 12:25:43 PST 2005

On 11/9/05, Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com> wrote:
> personality and/or voice. Even so, this would just be a simulacrum; an
> artifact of the process that created Godslayer. Teldra's soul, the thing
> that made her "Teldra", is gone forever.

Sethra may or may not have been hinting otherwise when she mentioned
Lady Teldra's pending "awakening." Since Vlad, at the time of Issola
(when did he dictate that /Issola/, anyway?), still didn't know what
Sethra meant, he doesn't know as much as Sethra does about Great
Weapons and his opinions are still suspect.

I suspect you're largely right about the personality snapshot being
static, but given that Godslayer was constructed out of Vlad and
Teldra's souls, and given how he refers to it as "she", I'm not so
sure that he does not mean it literally when he refers to it as "Lady
Teldra." Although she is still a little "less than dead."


Be pretty if you are,
Be witty if you can,
But be cheerful if it kills you.