
Soul destroying - Issola Spoiler

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 17:22:23 PST 2005

On 11/11/05, Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> wrote:
> However, I would posit that Dragaeran aging is not simply a
> mathematicial formula away from human aging--they just mature at
> different rates and times than we do.

But that is exactly what a proper mathematical formula decribes!

It might be a somewhat complicated mathematical formula (so that
perhaps different formulas would be used between different life
stages), or mathematical formulas with some factor that ranges between
certain values, but it should still all come down to math.

When you have one set of values that goes between 0-100, and another
set of values that goes between 0-3000, and are told that there is a
certain relationship between those values (in this case, age), then a
mathematical formula, with certain accepted limitations, describes
that relationship.

> Humans have growth spurts at different points in their youth, the onset
> of puberty being the most obvious example of this; but there are
> actually several other spurts, both before and after adolescence.
> Dragaerans simply have these growth spurts at different times and in
> different amounts than we do.
> This might allow for Paresh to have been mature enough to take his land
> at 60 (like he said) and still have Savn (only 20 years older, which
> isn't really all that much) be "about the same age"... 60-80 is just one
> of those periods between spurts where not much apparent aging happens.

Assuming for the moment that that is the case, you could still create
a mathematical formula that took into account that amount of