

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 18:05:01 PST 2005

On 11/13/05, Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> wrote:
> Davdi Silverrock wrote:
> > I have a notion that Uttrik would have been a vassal of Adron (Adron
> >was Baron of Pepperfield, but Uttrik might have been his seneschal or
> >marshal, or whatever the correct title is), and therefore among the
> >forces that fought against the Empire; perhaps he was even killed in
> >the battle just before the Disaster...
> >
> >
> While this makes a certain amount of sense, it seems unusual that Aerich
> (who spent a great deal of time in Adron's camp right before the
> disaster) didn't seek him out (or vice versa) to renew their friendship.

I think Aerich's mind was occupied with trying to mitigate the descent
into civil war that Adron and Tortaalik seemed to be bent on, and the
emotions that he had to deal with at the time, regarding the pulling
of loyalty to Adron as a friend on the one hand, and the opposing
loyalty to Tortaalik as the Emperor on the other. Not to mention his
friend Khaavren being also caught up in that particular mess.

> It's possible, of course, that Uttrick simply didn't know Aerich was
> around... It's even possible that they did meet, and we (meaning Paarfi)
> just didn't hear about it.
> Of course, that's the kind of detail that I'm surprised Paarfi wouldn't
> have put in on his own to "spice things up". ;-)

There's a lot of detail that Paarfi has not seen fit to include in his
histories, such as the name of the woman who was Adron's sister,
Rollondar's wife, and Morrolan's mother.