
On the longevity of Easterners

Jon_Lincicum at stream.com Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
Wed Nov 16 14:56:33 PST 2005

On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 Jon_Lincicum at stream.com wrote:

>> IIRC, "The Lavode Scandal" was, indeed, a couple hundred years before 
>> events of TPG, yes?
>> And Sethra is said to have been dead "For several Hundred Years" prior 
>> this.
>> Either way, it doesn't make a dent in the 220,000 year history of the
>> Empire.
>Either way it's not evidence of anything except that she's been dead

Which is exactly the point I was originally trying to make. :-)

>You might consider the possibility that Sethra was joking about how long
>she had been dead - perhaps in reference to how long she got away with 
>pretence.  Or being coolly disdainful to some upstart Athyra who
>discovered her status - "You're dead!"  "Yes, I have been dead for some
>hundreds of years.  Perhaps you will be dead in some hundredths of

Tee hee. I like the supposition. It does, indeed, sound like something 
Sethra would say. 

(Especially considering the "Athyra" in question was likely Empress 
Cherova III...)
