"Rion Bergquist" <carpovita at earthlink.net> writes: > what you all think would be in a Dragaeran Tarot deck. How do you play card games with major arcana? Textev: _Teckla_, prologue, mention of the card "Mountain of Changes". For minor arcana, we would want each House represented. Which means lots of suits, each with only a couple cards (all having the same number of cards (say 3) would make things easier). So we need a way to rank the suits; best would be cycle order, with whoever holds the Orb on top, and the previous House on bottom? (There's some textev (_Jhereg_ I think) about judging the current power of a House by how close they are to getting the Orb). So then we specify each card in each suit, for example, give each a ruler, craftsman, and peon. So Dragon suit would have Warlord, [Battle] Wizard, and Soldier; Jhereg could have Mob Boss, Sorceress, and Enforcer. (The Deck of Dragons in Steven Erikson's Malazan series is set up mostly like this (but it's only intended for use in fortune telling).) For major arcana, you'd want the major gods, so Barlen, Verra, Nyssa, Trout, Trignawhatever for pre-Interregnum decks, Necromancer for post-. You'll also want at least one of Cycle, Orb, and Emperor. Hmm, let's combine the latter two: Cycle is natural order, inverted represents amorphia; Emperor is artificial order. Have a Death card (showing Deathgate Falls), invert to represent reincarnation. That's eight, so we need 9 more... toss in the rest of the gods I'm forgetting, plus cards for Jenoine, Serioli, and Easterners. Oh, and that mountain card actually mentioned in the books (probably represents Sethra). -- Konrad Gaertner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - email: gaertk at aol.com http://www.livejournal.com/users/kgbooklog/ "I don't mind hidden depths but I insist that there be a surface." -- James Nicoll