A minor point of usage, perhaps, but which House name, if any, ought to be pluralized with an "s", and which are acceptably their own plural? There is sometimes inconsistency in the books, which is hardly surprising, but I seem to be recalling quite a few instances of unmodified plural House names. Perhaps from the one example of "teckla", there is generalizing for all of those many House names that end in "a", and by extension, quite a few of the others that don't end in "a". So I wonder, which one sounds better? Which is more canonical? "Two Phoenixes" or "Two Phoenix"? "Two Dragons" or "Two Dragon"? "Two Lyorns" or "Two Lyorn"? "Two Tiassas" or "Two Tiassa"? "Two Hawks" or "Two Hawk"? "Two Dzurs" or "Two Dzur"? "Two Issolas" or "Two Issola"? "Two Tsalmoths" or "Two Tsalmoth"? "Two Vallistas" or "Two Vallista"? "Two Jheregs" or "Two Jhereg"? "Two Ioriches" or "Two Iorich"? "Two Chreothas" or "Two Chreotha"? "Two Yendis" or "Two Yendi"? "Two Orcas" or "Two Orca"? "Two Tecklas" or "Two Teckla"? "Two Jhegaalas" or "Two Jhegaala"? "Two Athyras" or "Two Athyra"? I find that I personally am more comfortable with not modifying any, except perhaps "Dragons" and "Hawks". And I /think/ that's what SKZB has been writing, for the most part. Perhaps our more learned philologists and linguists could comment.