
Concerning Plurality

Jon_Lincicum at stream.com Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
Thu Dec 1 14:03:45 PST 2005

>I think that sometimes it would help if he would drop the poker face,
>once in a while, when confusion has in point of fact resulted rather
>than amusement, and just say that he was joking.  For example, there's
>the whole "Tsalmoth are giant land snails (or turtles)" debacle.
>Come to think of it, there are still things that I'm not entirely
>certain whether or not he (or one of his characters) was serious
>about.  Such as norska only eating dragons that they have killed
>themselves, to offer one example.

I don't think he's going to be dropping his poker face anytime soon; he 
has to stay in practice, after all. 

And your example here may say more about the dragons than about the 
norska, methinks...


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