> 1. Vlad is a very long-lived Easterner, and is narrating his tales to Brust > at the same time Paarfi is narrating Viscount to Brust, long after the > actual events occurred. Nope. As mentioned elsewhere on this thread, _Dragon_ was narrated before _Jhereg_ happened. Also, _Phoenix_ was narrated before _Athyra_ happened. > 2. The magic box is not constrained by time (in much the same way the Paths > of the Dead are not), This is my preferred explanation. Alexx Opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily those of my employers. alexx at carolingiaSPAMBL@CK.org http://www.panix.com/~alexx "The only people not changed by life are those who are unaware of it in the first place." -- J. Michael Straczynski