Howard Brazee <howard at> Sent by: dragaera-bounces at 01/10/06 10:22 AM To "'Dragaera (E-mail)'" <dragaera at> cc Subject Re: the honing of Vlad Jon_Lincicum at wrote: >>"Elder Sorcery" is used somewhat interchangably in the texts to refer both >>to the ability to create and control Amorphia directly using the power of >>the mind (as Vlad does in /Jhereg/, then again later in /Issola/) and in >>the use of Chaos stones to channel a flow of amorphia (As used by Adron in >>FHYA). >> >> >> >I keep thinking of the start of _To Reign in Hell_. I've noticed a lot of parallels between /To Reign in Hell/ and /Five Hundred Years After/. I just picked up a copy of TRiH off Amazon so I could re-read it (borrowed a copy from a friend the first time), I was thinking of doing a side-by-side reading of both books to see how things might line up. Majikjon