On 1/12/06, Jon Lincicum <lincicum at comcast.net> wrote: > > Interview #3 (Male Jhereg): > > I think it was that Dragonlord with the blonde hair that did it. > It occurrs to me that this is the explanation that is most likely to propagate. After all, which is more likely - that Aliera e'Kieron; * known descendent of Adron e'Kieron (famed for messing about with amorphia, with Disasterous effects); *of the e'Kieron line (known for having the ability to mess about with amorphia); * with a reputation for recklessness, ferocity, a disdain for rules and laws, and an interest in Elder Sorcery and messing about with amorphia; *closely associated with the abovementioned Disaster due to said interest in messing about with amorphia; has been messing about with amorphia -- or that some random Easterner has spontaneously gained the ability to mess about with amorphia? Anyone who hears about the incident is going to focus on the presence of Aliera, and no doubt say "Oy. /Her/, again. Well, at least she didn't destroy Adrilankha." If Vlad gets mentioned at all, it might be as "I wonder what was so special about him that she thought it was worth risking the creation of a new Sea of Chaos?"