nstacy at cinci.rr.com wrote on 1/15/2006 8:30:19 PM >Less on topic: Any word on Steve's Firefly/Serenity novel lately? I >recently read a bit of an interview in which Whedon basically said that >he was done with the franchise... but hey, novels could fly, maybe? >Surely they don't take as much money to produce as a series or film No word yet on the Firefly/Serenity novel that Steve has written. Joss Whedon is not done with the franchise. At the very least, he is going to be writing more Firefly/Serenity comic books for Dark Horse comics. Joss has said a sequel is all up to the Serenity DVD sales now. The franchise is growing. Now there are Hot Topic store Serenity T-shirts, Dark Horse Serenity Zippo lighters and Serenity "model" ornaments.