[Forwarded to list] On 1/19/06, Ken Koester <kkoester at email.ers.usda.gov> wrote: > Martin Wohlert wrote: > > Anyone read _Janissaries_ by Jerry Pournelle? > > > Yeah. He never really finished it, did he? http://www.jerrypournelle.com/progress.html MAMELUKES: Latest Janissaries Novel. I have 65,000 words done of about 80,000. There are many new characters, as well as all -- ALL -- of the old ones. A lot happens. A LOT. Some happens off stage in the High Commission: I have no viewpoint characters who can see that, but the effects will be felt both on Earth and Tran. I've been working pretty steadily on this. Watch out for Ghurkas... Alas, as of Fall 2004 I haven't finished this. It is about next on my schedule, after Burning Tower. Max Wilson -- Be pretty if you are, Be witty if you can, But be cheerful if it kills you. -- Be pretty if you are, Be witty if you can, But be cheerful if it kills you.