
the honing of Vlad

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 12:19:41 PST 2006

On 2/1/06, Jon_Lincicum wrote:
> Davdi Silverrock wrote
> >On 2/1/06, Jon_Lincicum wrote:
> >> This assumes that she would be able to come up with the idea that a
> >> blood transfusion to Morrolan would work.
> >>
> >> This possibiliy may simply not have occurred to her.
> >>
> >> She may not be as clever as Vlad was; he's pretty creative, after all.
> >>
> >
> >Perhaps.  Yet Vlad got the idea of the blood transfusion from Verra's
> >remarks that at least part of being a god was in the blood (Indeed,
> >citing specifically: "My blood is the blood of a god. It is for this
> >reason that the Halls of Judgment cannot hold me.") Although there is
> >also Aliera's similar statement about her own blood, I see.
> >
> >Was Verra truly not hinting to Vlad the direction he should be thinking?
> I don't there's any question he was inferring this from her comments, but
> was she deliberately implying this by making them?

> I honestly don't think we have enough clues to determine her exact
> intentions.

Well, I think it *may* be significant that she explicitly states that
it is her blood "that the Halls of Judgment cannot hold me."  I
*think* that that could be counted as at least one clue that she was
hinting something when she said it.  After all, she could easily have
said something like "I'm a god, therefore I can leave the Halls of
Judgement with no problems" (leaving the underlying mechanism opaque
to Vlad) (although there's still Aliera's statement as another hint,
which I am pretty sure was unintended by Aliera).

But as you say, that's not really enough of a clue to determine
Verra's *exact* intentions.

> >Who can say?
> Of course, it's also possible that the entire
> "Verra-has-special-plans-for-Morrolan" angle is simply Paarfi propoganda.

Good point.  I can even speculate it as a sequence of events in
Morrolan's future (because I have been pondering Paarfi's reference to
Morrolan's appearance in the past tense at the end of SL):  Morrolan,
because of the infusion of godblood, apotheosisizes [1], with Verra
showing up as his sponsor-god (or something like that).  Observers of
this event argue that that means that Verra has *always* had a special
bond with Morrolan, while in fact she is just trying to make the best
of the series of accidents that lead to the creation of this new god.

> In the two instances where *Vlad* has witnessed Verra meeting Morrolan (in
> /Taltos/ and /Issola/), there seemingly hasn't been any special kind of
> connection there. (At least not that he has commented on.)

Ah, but recall: People hear the words of the gods differently.  It
might be very interesting indeed to see what *Morrolan* heard when
Verra was speaking.

> This raises (yet again) the question: who's more unreliable, Vlad or
> Paarfi?

Well, yes.

1: (someone is definitely going to smack me for that one)