
Jenoine and Gods

Steve Simmons scs at di.org
Thu Feb 16 13:33:52 PST 2006

Replying to all three at once, and thereby confusing the heck out of
your mailers:

On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 10:36:29PM -0500, Claire Rojstaczer wrote:

> The obvious answer is that Morrolan's mistaken, but can anyone come up 
> with a cleverer reading?

On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 08:09:40PM -0800, Philip Hart wrote:

> The "for all their talents" bit might mean, "The J haven't figured out how
> to be in two places at once" [which I'm going to christen "duplocate" if
> no one else has] or haven't achieved (or aren't able naturally to achieve)
> the ability (which might be associated with amorphia and thus associated
> with Dragaera only).

All we need rely on to make the scenario work is a bit of verbal

It appears to me that the ability to manifest in multiple places at once
is a skill that is probably inherent in some (cf Verra and her sisters)
and learned in others (the Necromancer). The Necromancer is, as far as
we can tell, human stock.  Ditto Sethra, who while not a god, turned down
the offer and therefore is at least latently capable of multiple
manifestations - tho she may need some assistance in starting up that

Based on the examples of Sethra and the Necromancer, I'd say that humans
"haven't figured out how to be in two places at once" but that does not
prevent them from obtaining the ability through a gift or possibly by
intensive enough study.

And thus there is no contradiction.

"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
    -- Albert Einstein