On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Steve Simmons wrote: > On Thu, Feb 16, 2006 at 12:59:52PM -0800, Scott Schultz wrote: > > Yes, I am referring to the Necromancer. We have not seen her be in > multiple locations at once, but Sethra has told us she can. I don't recall S having done so. > More specificly, Sethra has said the the defining difference between a > god and a demon is that a demon can be compelled while a god cannot - This I recall - V comes back with "What about the Demon Goddess", right? - but I'm unclear on demons being able to duplocate. > and by this definition, the Necromancer is a demon. Hence the > Necromancer can do polylocation (my neologism of the day). http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=duplocate&word2=polylocate