
Speculative Planetary Statistics for Dragaera (Math help?)

Thu Apr 6 16:10:42 PDT 2006

I asked Steve how big the planet was (for the mapping project) and he said,
"I use 'roughly Earth' for convenience."

>From Dzur Mountain (which is about as far north as any jungle or other
tropical condition is attributed) to the North Sea north of Fenario
(Brokedown Palace describes the bitter cold of the north sea) appears to be
about 2,800 miles, and if the planet is the same size as the Earth, that
works out to be about 41 degrees of latitude between the tropics and the

That puts Dzur Mountain at approximately 45-(41/2)= 24.5 degrees latitude,
which is very close to the Earth's tropical extent of 23.5 degrees, which,
at least on the Earth, is due to the tilt (that is, the Earth is tilted at
23.5 degrees, which marks the northernmost/southernmost latitude which ever
bears the full brunt of the sun).

Of course, the two big problems with the above are,

1. It's based on my work on release 2 of the map of Dragaera, which is not
yet published.

2. I am nearly convinced that the Enclouding moderates (or at least affects)
the weather within the Empire.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info 
> [mailto:dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info] On Behalf Of 
> Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
> Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 2:26 PM
> To: 'Dragaera list'
> Subject: Speculative Planetary Statistics for Dragaera (Math help?)
> Inspired by the "Small Invisible Lights" website going away, 
> I've been working on porting some of the Dragaera information 
> this site used to provide into the wikicity. 
> Having some free time, I've been trying to figure out some of 
> the planetary stats for Dragaera. (SiL used to have a page 
> about the Dragaeran planet and star, such as its orbital tilt, etc.) 
> This led me to want to create at least speculative values for 
> some of the other planetary characteristics of Dragaera.
> The result is a (admittedly preliminary and somewhat dubious) 
> speculation page about Dragaeran planetary stats on the wikicity:
> http://dragaera.wikia.com/wiki/Speculation:Dragaera
> What I'm really looking for at this point, is either someone 
> to check my math (haven't done any real math work since 
> college, lo these many years ago, and it isn't a major area 
> of study for a Music Major like myself,
> anyway) as well as maybe provide some clues about how to 
> calculate the orbital velocity of a planet when you "know" 
> the mass of the star, the planet, and the duration of the 
> oribtal period. 
> Any help or advice is appreciated. Thanks!
> Majikjon