
Speculative Planetary Statistics for Dragaera (Math help?)

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Sat Apr 8 08:02:18 PDT 2006

Maximilian Wilson wrote:

>On 4/8/06, Howard Brazee <howard at brazee.net> wrote:
>>Not necessarily pools.    If amorphia is construction material, it may
>>have been stored away, possibly improperly disposed of, or was in a
>>reservoir which the Jenoine expected that they could use but did not
>>expect the mice to open up and spill all over the landscape.
>I don't feel that this is consistent with the Jenoine's attempt to
>siphon off amorphia from the Lesser Sea in /Issola/. If
>(non-world-consuming) amorphia is old hat to the Jenoine, why don't
>they just make their own?
>-Max Wilson
Just because they know how to use a tool doesn't mean they know how to 
create that tool - at least not cheaply.    Maybe it was left over from 
an earlier Brust novel and they discovered it and used it for their 