
Speculative Planetary Statistics for Dragaera (Math help?)

Thu Apr 13 17:07:21 PDT 2006

The real question is does Steve know, or is he faking it as he goes?

On 4/13/06, Davdi Silverrock <davdisil at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 4/12/06, Tom Lumbis <tlumbis at sover.net> wrote:
> > > I re-read that passage, and I noted that Teldra was *trying* to convey
> > > a difficult-to-understand concept.  She sort of trails off, though,
> > > and it is Sethra, specifically, who says that to the Jenoine, there
> > > was "only one room".  And Vlad replies "Rubbish" to Sethra's
> > > statements, rather than to Teldra's (which fits more with how I
> > > perceive his relationship with both Teldra and Sethra).
> > >
> > > But still I don't think that Teldra or Sethra were correctly
> > > describing how the Jenoine think.
> > >
> > > The essence of my problem with that "only one room" idea is what Vlad
> > > points out:  No matter what else extra the Jenoine are or can do, they
> > > are also three-dimensional entities who can move about in three
> > > dimensions.  They may be able to perceive and move in additional
> > > dimensions/planes of existence/other realities as well, but they
> > > should have a perfectly fine grasp of what a "place" is, and what an
> > > additional place is.
> >
> > Of the three persons you mentioned Vlad is the least knowledgable about
> the
> > Jenoine.
> Perhaps.
> Then again, I note that Teldra mentioned that when she and Vlad left
> the room, it was sort of as if they went spirit walking (from the
> Jenoine prespective)(although she qualifies that statement).
> Vlad has actually done a bit of spirit walking (or rather, involuntary
> dreamwalking, which I believe is the same thing, in /Dragon/), so he
> does at least have a sense of how weird that is.
> > I believe Teldra makes a comment about the word "place" and how the
> Jenoine
> > only use the word in relation to mathematics - which would indicate that
> > they do not entirely grasp the term as we do(and vice versa).
> And I still don't quite buy this.
> I was wondering what the course material is that the Jenoine language
> is taught from.  If the corpus of Jenoine works is mostly some
> genetics texts and some really high-flown and esoteric philosophy
> texts, then of course students of the Jenoine language are going to
> get a very skewed idea of how Jenoine think.
> If the only text that some aliens had of ours was that all-time best
> seller, the King James translation of the bible, and maybe also some
> textbooks on general relativity and quantum mechanics, they might get
> a very very strange idea indeed of how 20th-century Americans actually
> think.
> > Because the Jenoine can exist in our heroes' world does not mean they
> grasp
> > the world as our heroes do.
> >
> > It's fairly pointless speculation because, like Vlad and company, we do
> not
> > understand the Jenoine.
> >
> They seemed to think that the Necromancer could understand at least
> the Jenoine concept of "place". I would like to see exactly how the
> Necromancer would explain how the Jenoine "really" think in a way that
> satisfies my (and Vlad's) pragmatic objections.
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