
Steven Brust's email still AWOL

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Sun Apr 16 04:54:09 PDT 2006

A.S. Zanoni wrote:
> Had hoped that he'd be able to post this weekend.  Alas, it is not the 
> case.
> Same applies to weblog.  Mean to add a comment there presently.  
> Please do not email Steve until it is posted that his computer has 
> resumed operation.  Look here and on LiveJournal, please, in about a 
> week.
> He'll still have a heap of list messages to sort through.  :>
> Thanks.
> And please do not email me directly next week, seeking Steve; I will 
> be afk until 25-April.  Steve is wrapping up Brokedown Palace page 
> proofs...
Well, if he needs a breather after he's done with that, I've just 
finished a good read that I expect might do well as entertainment.  In 
any case, I feel confident that it will find a few fans here generally.

_His Majesty's Dragon_ is the first of a series by Naomi Novik.  
Napoleonic era British Navy Captain becomes an aviator in the Dragon 
Corps.  Not quite as detailed in it's descriptions of the period as 
Patrick O'Brian, but better than say C. S. Forrester.  What's better, 
the first three novels are being issued back to back in massmarket paper 
starting this month.  (They're a month or two ahead of us in the UK in 
hardcover. The first volume is _Temeraire_ there.)