
Third Floor Relic vs the Special Tasks Group?

Tue Apr 18 12:20:17 PDT 2006

Mark Tiller wrote:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info [mailto:dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info]
>On Behalf Of Ken Koester
>Sent: 14 April 2006 17:34
>?   The only SAS I am aware of is entirely British, and entirely 
>military.  The CIA has no paramilitaries of its own.
>Australia and New Zealand also have their own SAS.  Not as well funded as
>the British, but VERY good.  The Australians are supposed to be rated
>slightly better than the British at jungle warfare, but at that level, the
>difference wouldn't matter.
Just so.  I had either forgotten them or unconsciously lumped them in 
with the British.  Still, they are British-descended at least.
