
Sword Jokes.

Jon_Lincicum at stream.com Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
Tue May 2 12:15:07 PDT 2006

How many Chreotha does it take to sharpen a sword?

-Two. One to sharpen the sword, and one to... HA! Gotcha!

How many Jhereg does it take to sharpen a sword?

-None. A dull sword hurts more.

How many Dragons does it take to sharpen a sword?

-Why should he bother? He'll just kill you with his bare hands.


"Lang, Douglas (Contractor)" <Douglas.Lang at ed.gov> 
Sent by: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info
05/02/06 12:10 PM

"Kenneth Gorelick" <pulmon at mac.com>, "Davdi Silverrock" 
<davdisil at gmail.com>
Dragaera List <dragaera at dragaera.info>
RE: Sword Jokes.

>How many writers does it take to sharpen a sword?
>None. The Pen is mightier....

Q: How many Gods does it take to sharpen a sword?
A: All of them.  One to hold the sword, the rest to turn the Great 

Q: How many Gods does it take to sharpen a Vlad?
A: Just Verra...
