
Sword Jokes.

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Wed May 3 12:34:25 PDT 2006

How many Athyra does it take to sharpen a sword?
-All of them.
All of them?
-First one wonders what "sharp" really means, and then another will
wonder if the sword is "really" there, and the debate spreads until
the whole House is involved.

How many Hawks does it take to sharpen a sword?
-None.  They just redefine dullness as the new standard.

How many Serioli does it take to sharpen a sword?
-You think they would tell anyone?

How many Orca does it take to sharpen a sword?
-How much are you willing to pay to find out?

How many Vallista does it take to sharpen a sword?
-Just one, but by the time he's done, he'll have a sword that can cut
anything, open cans and bottles, turn screws, turn nuts and bolts of
different sizes, scale fish, punch leather, and pick out splinters. 
And it will all fold up for easy portability.