On Mon, 15 May 2006, Davdi Silverrock wrote: > since prejudical humor is less offensive if the one telling the joke is > of the ethnicity that the joke is about. Have there been any along the lines of "Dzur: How many Teckla does it take to sharpen a sword? A.: It takes a village." There should also be a joke like, "Here's an old Dragon joke. A Dzur walks into a bar and asks the Jhereg behind the counter how many Teckla it takes to sharpen a sword. The bartender says, 'Well, I know this Yendi - well, I think he's a Yendi, and I think I know him, and he says that he once met a Chreotha using a Morganti broadsword to trim a loose thread from his shirtsleeve, and I asked him if it was sharp, and he told me ...'" Also, similarly, "Dragons say Dzur say that ... that Issola say that ... that X say that it takes foo Y to sharpen a sword, because bar", where each stage there's a comment on what the deeper stage finds funny. E.g., a Vallista might be fully in agreement that it takes a village, and a Hawk might find that funny, and a Jhereg might find it funny to say that to an Athyra...