
[OT]Re: Sword Jokes.

Tue May 16 04:18:32 PDT 2006

Philip Hart wrote:

>On Mon, 15 May 2006, Philip Hart wrote:
>>Also, similarly, "Dragons say Dzur say that ... that Issola say that ...
>>that X say that it takes foo Y to sharpen a sword, because bar", where
>>each stage there's a comment on what the deeper stage finds funny.
>>E.g., a Vallista might be fully in agreement that it takes a village,
>>and a Hawk might find that funny, and a Jhereg might find it funny
>>to say that to an Athyra...
>In fact, the very purpose of the Cycle might be to set up that joke,
>and when somebody tells it the small invisible lights will, without any
>fuss, go out.
Only if it is told 9 billion times, with 9 billion variations.
