On 5/16/06, Jon_Lincicum at stream.com <Jon_Lincicum at stream.com> wrote: > Given how key (and specific) the /Orca/ revelations are (and how many > books and stories there are before these facts are revealed) I can > understand keeping them in a "spoiler" status pretty much indefinitely. Agreed, as to the Greater Revelation. Even post-Orca, Vlad maintains the secrecy well enough that you're not likely to catch on (Third-floor Relic?) unless you already know the secret. IMHO, it's more than just a "spoiler," it's a shared conspiracy between us and Vlad and X. I'm not so sure about the Lesser Revelation. If the series goes on long enough, the plot could conceivably develop in such a way that it's not possible to discuss the story without discussing the Lesser Revelation, and at that point I think spoiler protection would take a back seat. This would be the case if, for example, three books from now, X becomes a major character on par with Aliera and Morrolan (not that they'd ever admit it). Max -- Be pretty if you are, Be witty if you can, But be cheerful if it kills you.