
FW: Agyar (Agyar?/Sixth Sense Spoilers) (Was Re: Brokedown Palace)

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Tue May 16 10:26:30 PDT 2006

Jon wrote:
> And I still think there's maybe a need for a FAQ or something to
> newbies (not just myself, but it certainly would have helped) avoid
> missteps. Otherwise, new contributors will be discouraged from
> for fear of breaking some unclear taboo. Just my $0.02.

To which Philip replied
> I find the above entirely reasonable.
> Faq topics: spoiler warnings, the subj line consensus, the off-topic
> consensus, how to search the archives (and book search, and Amazon),
> Mark's page and Alexx's timeline and the other important URLs...

Much of this is covered in:

I'd say that if you've got specific suggestions for what should be
added (and relative newcomers may be more aware of what gotchas they
ran into), Put it together in a relatively neat package so that DD-B
doesn't have to do much work to incorporate it.  In the meantime, put
it up on a website ?perhaps the wiki? and give him a link to it as
