
[spoiler?]lights going out

Wed May 17 14:22:37 PDT 2006

The answer to your question is yes.  The story in question is "The Nine 
Billion Names of God," by Arthur C. Clarke.

Ike Porter wrote:

>On Tue, 16 May 2006, Philip Hart wrote:
>>On Tue, 16 May 2006, Michele Riccio wrote:
>>>On 16 May 2006 at 15:12, Kenneth Gorelick wrote
>>>>>>In fact, the very purpose of the Cycle might be to set up that
>>>>>>joke, and when somebody tells it the small invisible lights will,
>>>>>>without any fuss, go out.
>>>>>Only if it is told 9 billion times, with 9 billion variations.
>>>>And I thought no other living person had read that one...
>>>Were we not supposed to get the reference?
>>I assumed people would recognize the premise and last sentence of
>>one of the classic SF stories (freely available on the web,
>>incidentally, but no link since I'm not sure about the copyright
>Is this referring to the short story about [begin vague recognition] a man
>who sells automating equipment to monks spelling out the names of god,
>after which the stars start going out?