
META: Proposed rules page first complete draft

Kenneth Gorelick pulmon at mac.com
Fri May 26 19:59:07 PDT 2006

Top post! Top Post!

On May 26, 2006, at 11:45 AM, Howard Brazee wrote:

> Or in particular, say "The latest book - which currently is _Sethra  
> Lavode_, even when the latest book's spoilers are not major plot  
> twists".
> I really see 1½ spoilers in Dragaerian novels, and neither is in  
> the Viscount of Adrilanka series, so the guidelines need to be  
> better defined.
> Charles Sumner wrote:
>> At 12:57 PM 5/25/2006 -0700, Jon wrote:
>>> [re: adding spoiler warnings] This most notably concerns certain  
>>> facts
>>> revealed late in _Orca_, and many of the later events in _Issola_  
>>> and _The
>>> Viscount of Adrilankha_.
>> Given your other comments, I'd recommend changing _The Viscount of  
>> Adrilankha_ to _Sethra Lavode_ because 1) that's where the meat of  
>> the spoilable things are and 2) since there's no specific book  
>> titled _The Viscount of Adrilankha_ it might help avoid some  
>> confusion from new readers.  You could also list it as "_Sethra  
>> Lavode_ (aka volume three of _The Viscount of Adrilankha_)" if you  
>> wanted to keep the TVoA reference.
>>> When writing a message marked with a spoiler warning, in cases  
>>> where the
>>> spoiler itself would normally occur very early in the text of the  
>>> message,
>>> it is a good idea to provide several blank lines (15-20 is  
>>> usually a good
>>> number)
>> I agree with the other folks who thought this should read  
>> something like "...several blank lines, 17 is a popular number."
>> Charley
>> "In my fantasy world, we have pie."
>> Satchel Pooch - "Get Fuzzy"
>> listinfo/dragaera
> listinfo/dragaera