On 6/2/06, <Jon_Lincicum at stream.com> wrote: > Howard Brazee > 06/02/06 06:32 AM > > > > >On 7:15 AM Jon_Lincicum at stream.com wrote: [ Sethra Lavode, and mist- and bat- transmogrification ] > > > >She doesn't fit stereotypical vampires in what we've seen - but you are > >convinced that in the stuff we haven't seen, she must fit one of our > >current vampire traditions. I'm not so confident. > You misunderstand. > > I simply say that she *could* do these things (change into a bat, become > mist, live for aeons, etc) if she wanted to. > > But she's Sethra Lavode. > > She could probably have done all these things *before* she became undead. > I am not so convinced that she could, but with SL, it's hard to figure out what she flat-out cannot do, and what she could do but won't simply because it's undignified, or would make everything too easy. And for that matter, regardless of whether she could or couldn't, whether she would tell the truth about it: "We don't know any thieves" Messing around with Sethra Lavode is contraindicated, no matter what.