
Shapeshifting (Orca Major Spoiler, and Issola spoiler)

Jon_Lincicum at stream.com Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
Mon Jun 5 08:29:16 PDT 2006

The Traditional 17 lines of Spoiler Space

"Joy Nicholson" <joyjnicholson at gmail.com> 
Sent by: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info
06/05/06 08:11 AM

"Davdi Silverrock" <davdisil at gmail.com>
Dragaera List <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Re: Yuck

>> While we have no specific examples of Sethra shapeshifting, there is a
>> definite example in the Dragaeraverse of someone who shapeshifted and
>> retained her ability to think, and presumably at least sufficient
>> magical ability to shift back to her original form.  So I don't think
>> we can rule that out for Sethra, either, at least not on the grounds
>> you suggest.
>Could someone please remind me what specific example is being refered
>to here?  I assume that it hasn't been explicitly described for
>spolier reasons, so please do use spoiler tags for those people who,
>unlike myself, don't want to know.

The two examples are:

1. Orca, we learn that Kiera is Sethra, which may, in fact, be an example 
of her shapeshifting abilities, or, as others suggest, may simply be a 
clever, if more mundane, form of disguise. 

2. Issola, where a dragon joins the Lords of Judgement when fighting the 
Jenoine. It was guessed at (and later confirmed by SKZB) that this was 
Devera in another shape.
