Here they are: 1. IATYAM 2. C&S or CNS 3. KBs 4. WANB or IANB 5. BotH 6. WYDMTHTSOMWYHJS 7. IDP 8. TYPYAO 9. BIEI 10. DTTTIMW 11. WWHAATWMG 12. NMBD <scroll down to the answers> 1. I Almost Think You Accuse Me 2. Cracks and Shards! 3. Kieron's Boots! 4. We Ask Nothing Better or I Ask Nothing Better 5. Blood of the Horse! 6. Would You Do Me The Honor To Say Once More What You Have Just Said? 7. I don't paint. 8. Therefore, you perceive, you are outnumbered. 9. Because I Enjoyed It 10. Don't Tell Them That I Meant Well 11. We Will Have Adventures, And Then We'll Meet Girls (or Guys) 12. Now Matters Become Difficult David rightly pointed out that I missed those like "I nearly think that..." or "Shards! I believe I have been asking nothing else for this past hour!". I actually thought the last 6 were much easier than some of the others.