
Sethra Lavode (Large spoilers, esp Orca/Issola)

Tue Jun 13 18:09:45 PDT 2006

On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, Jon Lincicum wrote:

> "Five Hundred Years After", Chapter 8, page 101 (paperback):
> "...we must look beyond her physical manifestation, for her appearance
> was not, we know from several sources, unduly prepossessing. She was not
> exceptionally tall; she was neither remarkably handsome nor unusually
> grotesque."
> [...]
> Paarfi, of course, is going off third-hand accounts, since it seems
> pretty clear he's never actually seen her for himself (personal theories
> of some here notwithstanding) [...]

This is entirely consistent with Sethra having a sense of humor.