
Loraan, souls, and the Paths of the Dead

Jon_Lincicum at stream.com Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
Wed Jun 14 11:09:17 PDT 2006

"Maximilian Wilson" <wilson.max at gmail.com> 
Sent by: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info
06/14/06 10:54 AM

"Dragaera (E-mail)" <dragaera at dragaera.info>

Re: Loraan, souls, and the Paths of the Dead

>On 6/14/06, Jon_Lincicum at stream.com <Jon_Lincicum at stream.com> wrote:
>> Not that I subscribe to this theory, but if I did, the answer would be
>> obvious.
>> She's a small girl of about 9 or 10 years with big brown eyes.
>Quibble: shouldn't that be "a small girl of about 20 or 25"? Seeing as
>how she's Dragaeran in the Vladiverse.

Whatever you prefer.

I would point out, however, that Devera is not, strictly speaking, 100% 
Dragaeran, and also appears outside of the Vladiverse.
