
Multi-jointed fingers (and houses)

Jon_Lincicum at stream.com Jon_Lincicum at stream.com
Thu Jun 15 14:40:23 PDT 2006

Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> 
Sent by: dragaera-bounces at dragaera.info
06/15/06 02:07 PM

"'Dragaera (E-mail)'" <dragaera at dragaera.info>

Re: Multi-jointed fingers (and houses)

>On Thu, 15 Jun 2006 Jon_Lincicum at stream.com wrote:
>> We don't? What about Vlad? It was his *father* that bought a title for
>> himself in the Jhereg, and Vlad then inherited it.
>> This says he's part of the house, and so are his descendants, etc etc.
>Dunno - the title might have been valid for heirs of his body (assuming
>that means immediate heirs) or might be otherwise defeasible. Vlad had
>access to the Orb before his father was killed, because the latter had
>hired a sorcerer to teach him, hence Vlad was already a citizen and not
>an inheritor of that status.
>Perhaps an Imperial title is heritable.

Vlad makes a comment at one point about wearing his medallion of office, 
which he "hadn't worn since he had inherited it on the death of his 

Of course, in Vlad's case, since he now *does* have the Imperial Title, 
which is to be "...granted to all descendants and heirs of his body..." 
(Phoenix, pg 379 omnibus) he shouldn't have to worry about it, nor should 
