
Multi-jointed fingers (and houses)

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Fri Jun 16 11:24:33 PDT 2006

On 12:03 PM Scott Schultz wrote:
>  It's true that Vlad's title greased a few wheels as far as his entry
>  into
>  The Organization, but I think it's fair to say that Kiera should take
>  most
>  of the credit for that. Your typical honest social-climbin Easterner
>  buying
>  a title would be content, probably even happy, to have nothing at all
>  to do
>  with the business end of the House. I can't imagine that Taltos, Sr.
>  had a
>  career as a "workman" in mind for his son when he bought the title.

Historically, titles meant more than one might think.

Even evidence of being gentry counted.

I believe that Beethoven almost won a court case (custody?) until the 
court discovered that his "van" didn't mean the same "von" that the 
court thought it meant.  With a lower rank, he didn't have as many rights.