
For those of you who follow Penny Arcade...

Davdi Silverrock davdisil at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 12:06:38 PDT 2006

On 6/16/06, Chris Olson <Chrisf.Olson at sun.com> wrote:
> Peter H. Granzeau wrote On 06/16/06 10:24,:
> > He says he doesn't read dragon books, with no other qualification.
> > That's bigotry.
> Really?  I'd have thought that merely poor taste.

Yes, it is even as you say.

Or, to paraphrase Paarfi, to call one person's taste in books
"bigotry" weakens the sense of a perfectly good word.

And I also note that that without the context supplied in the
followup, the rather terse wording and choice of pronoun certainly
made it look as though the innocent original poster of the Penny
Arcade link was being referred to; a rather serious false accusation
of the wrong person.