
How is House Jhereg governed?

Thu Jun 22 21:45:03 PDT 2006

>From: "Scott Schultz" <scott at cjhunter.com>
>To: "'Dragaera List'" <dragaera at dragaera.info>
>Subject: How is House Jhereg governed?
>Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 13:01:48 -0700
>So, getting back to Dragaera, who does the Empress turn to if she needs
>someone dead and a war is the wrong way to go about it? If someone needs
>assassinating for the good of the Empire, how does the job get parceled 

Sounds like a job for a Lavode. Granted, they were discontinued for a long 
time, but they were charged with keeping an eye on the "underground" aspects 
of life in the Empire, and, how was that worded, fundamentally non-military 
threats to the Empire, were they not? Nowadays, I would imagine a Jhereg 
"noble" might get the information, but the Lavodes sound like the perfect 
way to go about that business, and that's probably one of the reasons for 
their creation.