
How is House Jhereg governed?

Fri Jun 23 12:04:33 PDT 2006

>Well, since most Jhereg in the organization at the time were operating in 
>Dragaera City, he probably would have lived at least a few minutes longer 
>than he actually did.

Touche! :-P

>But, given that he was a Tsalmoth, the idea of his giving up on regaining 
>his former position and accepting life as a Jhereg seems pretty unlikely.

"Tsalmoth maintains, though none know how." Interesting, I'd never
considered that aspect of his personality as part of his motivations. 

I suppose a "bad" Tsalmoth (in the sense that Teldra describes young Issola
as "obsequious to the point of annoyance") would be one who set his heart on
some goal to the point of self destruction and/or the destruction of
everything and everyone in his way. I wonder how many Tsalmoth reigns have
ended because of the near destruction of the Empire as a result of some
inability of the Emporer to back off and see reason about something he

I guess I'd picture Abdiel as the archetypical "bad Tsalmoth". (Abdiel was
the antagonist in _To Reign in Hell_ who catalyzed the destruction of Heaven
because his plan to gain favor with Yahweh ran out of control and snowballed
into something much bigger than he'd ever originally planned.)