
Dzur review

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 27 14:08:20 PDT 2006

> On Jun 26, 2006, at 3:47 PM, Joy Nicholson wrote:
> > Authors these days seem to often encourage people to buy from local
> > booksellers or non-Amazon online stores, saying that Amazon eats more
> > of their (the author's) royalties than other venues do.  Has Our
> > Venerated Author expressed an opinion on this or suggested another
> > place from which to buy his books?

I do not know.

--- Kenneth Gorelick <pulmon at mac.com> wrote:

> I pre-ordered from Amazon months ago. Went to check one day, and my  
> pre-order was gone! So I pre-ordered again. Went to check today--my  
> pre-order is gone again!
> I think I may have to pre-order from someone reliable. Does C&S  
> participate in the upside of this venture?

What do you mean? I have registered with Amazon, and from time to time I
get a tiny check representing, essentially, a commission on the books that
people have ordered from them through Cracks and Shards. That's my only
connection to Amazon except as an occasional customer.

-- Mark A. Mandel, proprietor, Cracks and Shards
   a Steven Brust fan website

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