
Jim Baen - October 22, 1943 - June 28, 2006

Maximilian Wilson wilson.max at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 11:15:12 PDT 2006

On 6/30/06, Howard Brazee <howard at brazee.net> wrote:
> I had a couple of his books that I didn't do anything for me, but before
> he went to MileHiCon, I picked up some more.   Of the selection I found,
> I discovered his RCN series which I really liked.   The latest book of
> that series I bought in hardbound, and I will buy the next one in
> hardbound.    I only have a handful of authors whose books don't warrant
> waiting until paperback.    Drake's RCN series (but not his other stuff)
> is there.

Seconded. I enjoyed /Northworld/, but never really got into any other
Drake solo novels until RCN. The first volume in the series is
available for online in Baen's free library:

Max Wilson

Be pretty if you are,
Be witty if you can,
But be cheerful if it kills you.