
Photic Sneezing, again

Kenneth Gorelick pulmon at mac.com
Fri Jun 30 14:08:46 PDT 2006

On Jun 30, 2006, at 4:06 PM, Davdi Silverrock wrote:

> I was browsing through the excellent linguistic resource Language Log,
> and discoved a page that had the following:
> [cite] The small child of a friend of mine once said "The sun makes
> you hot and sneeze," [/cite]
> While the sentence was brought up for its linguistic implications, I
> could not help but be reminded of the following posts from the
> archives:
> http://dragaera.info/mailinglists/archive.cgi/1/4239
> http://dragaera.info/mailinglists/archive.cgi/1/4276
> http://dragaera.info/mailinglists/archive.cgi/1/4288
> Which in turn makes me wonder: Is there anyone else on this list
> besides SKZB who is a photic sneezer?
> I myself am not, and the first post above was the first time I had
> heard of such a thing.

No, but sometimes I phot after I sneeze...