
Tor Schedule repaired -- now with added Dzur

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Sat Jul 1 18:13:17 PDT 2006

In a message dated 7/1/2006 4:49:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
davdisil at gmail.com writes:
The online schedule on Tor's site, as you may recall, was
unaccountably lacking any mention of the forthcoming new novel by
Steven Karl Zoltan Brust with which we have been honored with a review
by the noble Kate Nepveu, to wit, DZUR.

Well, the other day I finally broke down and e-mailed the only ones
whose names appeared as maintainers of the Tor web pages, to wit,
Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden, and I received a prompt reply from
the noble Patrick, who informed me that the appearance of DRAGON in
the schedule was indeed correct, inasmuch as that particular book is
due to be reprinted in mass-market format, and that the absence of
DZUR from the schedule was indeed strange and unaccountable, and that
he would repair it at once, which he in fact did.


I was probably the only one who was actually troubling to check that
Yep, I stopped checking it a long while ago when it wasn't being updated for
a while.  

Congratulations and thank you, David, for getting the Tor schedule updated 
and getting
an explanation of the DRAGON entry.