On 7/6/06, Maximilian Wilson wrote: > On 7/6/06, Jon_Lincicum wrote: > > Minor point: The gold phoenix stone is not in evidence during /Athyra/. He > > takes a black one off to teach Savn psionic communication, but when > > surprised by Loraan's men-at-arms, he teleports without removing any > > stones, ergo he cannot be in possession of a gold stone at this time. > > Presumably, he picked up a gold one at some point after this, but before > > /Issola/ when he apparently has one of each. > > Yes, and don't forget the box made out of nevermind. Two more hanging > plot hooks. > Come to think of it, I was browsing through /Phoenix/ recently, and Sethra Lavode specifically says that Spellbreaker is made of gold Phoenix Stone, which nevertheless allows him to perform sorcery and other spells. If he has Spellbreaker, why would he need another chuck of the stuff?